Always Stop to Smell The Flowers

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Leah's Birthstory

Thursday March 13, 2008 at 6:30pm a precious little girl was born. I had problems with my blood pressure at my appointment that Monday so I had been ordered to do a 24 hr urine test. I had to rush to get it back to the office on time the following day so they could send it to the lab. Wednesday I went back to the doctor's and my protein in my urine was only in the 300's which wasn't too bad so she stripped my membranes and I was ordered to come back on Thursday for my NST testing. She told me I could go in the next 24 hrs but nothing happened besides a few cramps. I was so disappointed that evening when I went to bed. I went into the appointment at 9:00am the next morning very anxious wondering if today was the day. I was hooked up to all the monitors and had to do the 20 minute test before I could talk to my doctor. The nurse took my BP and it was only 132/88 which wasn't too bad. I had thoughts running through my head that I wasn't meeting my little girl today. I really wanted to cry but I just held back the tears and waited to see my doctor. My doctors nurse came in to take my BP again and I just loved her. She was a cute young blood who was always smiling and asking you how you were doing. Well she had my blood pressure at 132/98 which is a huge difference in the world of blood pressures. My doctor came in and sent me over to the hospital to be induced. I called my husband and mother right away to come over and meet me at the hospital. I was so excited and a little scared even though this was my third time doing this. I was sent to my room and hooked up to the IV and monitors and then I waited. It was really scary being all alone in the room knowing that you were getting ready to go through labor and have a baby. Finally I saw my husband walk through the door a half hour later and all my fears subsided. At 12:30pm the pitocin was started and I was told I could have the epidural when ever I wanted. I decided to wait it out for awhile. My two aunts and mom showed up at about 2:00pm and the long wait started. My doctor came in shortly after and decided to break my water. I was already 3cm dilated and fully effaced so I was hoping things would start going faster. Well she said breaking my water got me dilated to a good 4cm so it was just a matter of time. I decided that I should take my epidural because my contractions were starting to get intense. I knew that it would take another good 45 min to get relief after I asked for one. I was getting my epidural and having contractions one on top of the other. I was squeezing my poor nurse to death but refused to let out a sound. I concentrate better that way. I was finally feeling some relief and my nurse kept telling me to watch for any signs of pushing. She had to tell me a story about a lady that called her to say she felt something "wet". It was the baby that had already popped out without her knowing. I think the little story freaked us all out and I was not about to let that happen. My husband decided to pick her time of birth at 6:27pm and I knew he was way off because I was only at 5cm and it was already 5:00pm. An hour later I suddenly felt this weird pressure in my bootie so I called my husband to the side of the bed. Everyone else was really oblivious to what was going on so he quietly got a nurse to come check me. To my surprise I was fully complete and ready to push! Holy cow I couldn't believe it because everything was happening so fast. My doctor came in excited that I was ready to have this baby and she could get to her next patient delivering in the next room. She told me she just had a feeling I would go first. I started pushing and she was coming fast. My doctor told me to slow down on the pushing or she would have came even faster. I heard my doctor say "crap, transverse shoulder" and I started to get a little worried. My doctor's expertise really paid off because with a few turns she got her out unharmed. I had a few "bumps and bruises" from the delivery but nothing I couldn't handle. They laid Leah on my chest and I couldn't believe out tiny she looked. I rubbed her back to get her to breathe and that first wail was such a welcome relief. My husband took her next after the nurses sucked out her nose and mouth and walked her over to be weighed and measured. She was 5lb 13oz and only 18" long. What a tiny little girl she was. Daddy was so proud of her and couldn't wait to show her off to the world.

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